Välkomna till tigerseminarium 12 mars på Kolmården
Tid 12 Mars 2008 09:00 – 09:00
Plats Kolmårdens djurpark, Forsknings- och utbildningsavdelningen.
Välkomna till tigerseminarium 12 mars på Kolmården
Seminariet arrangeras av Världsnaturfonden WWF och Kolmårdens insamlingsstiftelse.
Syftet är att belysa den kritiska situationen för världens tigrar och diskutera lösningar för att kunna bevara tigern i framtiden. Se bifogat program.
Onsdag 12 mars 2008
Plats: Kolmårdens djurpark, Forsknings- och utbildningsavdelningen.
Moderator: Lennart Nyman
För frågor, kontakta:
Mats Höggren, zoologisk chef Kolmården, 070-5582796 eller
Marie von Zeipel, pressansvarig WWF,
08-624 74 03, 070-629 10 77
Tiger Seminar at Kolmården, Sweden – March 12, 2008
WWF Sweden and Kolmården Wildlife Park are arranging an exclusive tiger seminar to highlight the critical situation for the world’s tigers on March 12, 2008. Several of the world’s leading scientists and conservationists will present the latest figures and the current status of tigers in the wild. One of the key topics of the seminar will be a discussion on the role of tourism as a method for saving tigers in the future.
09.15-10.00 Registration and coffee
10.00-10.05 Welcome
Ola Jennersten, WWF Sweden, and Mats Höggren, Kolmården 10.05-10.10 Introduction
Lennart Nyman, WWF consultant and seminar moderator
10.10-10.40 Global status of tigers, threats and WWF’s Global action plan for tigers
Bivash Pandav, WWFs tiger coordinator, WWF Nepal
10.40-11.10 Status of the Indian tiger and WWF’s tiger work in India, ”Landscapes of Hope”
Sujoy Banerjee, Director of WWF India’s Species’ Programme
11.10-11.20 Break
11.20-11.50 Status of Siberian tiger and the work with tigers in the Amur Region
Yulia and Pavel Fomenko, Communicator & anti-poaching officer
11.50-12.20 Why keep tigers in zoos?
Sarah Christie, Programme manager, Zoological Society of London
12.20-13.50 Lunch (including time for Business-to-business meetings)
13.00-13.50 Press conference at Restaurant Safari (photo opportunities at Tiger World) Phoenix Fund Activities on Wildlife Protection in the Primorsky region, Far Eastern Russia Sergei Bereznuk, Director of Phoenix Fund
14.20-14.50 The role of tourism in tiger conservation
Imran Khan, tiger Ph D and Director of Jungle Jim’s Resort outside Corbett National Park
14.50-15.20 Coffee break
15.20-15.50 Travel operators as agents for tiger conservation
Julian Matthews, Discovery Initiatives, and initiator of Travel Operators for Tigers
15.50-16.20 Community-based wildlife management in Namibian conservancies
Andee Davidson, tourism expert and part of WWF’s LIFE project in Namibia
16.20-17.15 Panel discussion
Practical details:
Place: We will meet at the research & education department (FOU), Kolmården Wildlife Park, at 9.15 am
Kolmårdens Djurpark AB
Silvy Bohlin, pressansvarig
011-24 90 23 alt 070-637 30 02